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How to choose a mattress protector for your student accommodation service

How to choose a mattress protector for your student accommodation service 1

What’s lurking beneath your bedsheets? Mattresses are a prime breeding ground for dust mites, germs, and bacteria.

Student beds are not only used for sleeping but double up as sofas, chairs, and a place to party making them the most abused item in your room. An uncomfortable and potentially unsanitary mattress is more than just inconvenient – it can be detrimental to quality and healthy sleep, which can directly affect academic performance. A waterproof mattress protector could be the perfect solution for a student looking for an easy and affordable way to make a mattress more comfortable and get a healthier night’s sleep. 

With the start of a new academic year just a couple of months away, it’s time for accommodation providers to think about buying commercial mattress protectors.

How to choose a mattress protector for your student accommodation service 2

How to choose a mattress protector?

Today, mattress protectors come in a range of different materials and functions depending on your unique needs. Student accommodation providers should consider a mattress protector that protects against bed bugs, dust mites, and occasional spills which are common while studying. 

Before you begin shopping, ask yourself what purpose your mattress protector will serve.

Let us assess your needs:

Do you need light protection against daily wear and tear? Choose a basic cotton cover.


Do you need full-protection against spills and spillage that can take place in your room? Find a mattress protector that is completely waterproof. 

Seeking a bit of extra comfort after a hard night of studying? Find a luxurious, quilted mattress protector for that cozy feeling. 

You need a strong protector against germs and bacteria? Opt for an Anti-Bac Mattress Protector that is designed to prevent the growth of dust mites and other microscopic bacteria.

Commercial Linen UK offers some other vital factors to consider before you buy

How to choose a mattress protector for your student accommodation service 1 1

Easy to Wash

While you cannot wash your mattress, regularly cleaning your protector helps you remove hair, sweat, dead skin, and grime that build up over time. When your mattress protection is machine washable, you ensure that your bed is clean, sanitized, and odorless. 


For a comfortable sleeping experience, your mattress protector should allow the mattress to breathe. This guarantees heat from being trapped offers efficient airflow and provides a peaceful sleep. 



The size of the mattress will determine what size of a mattress protector is needed. Today, our range of mattress protectors is available in all types of sizes – single, double, 4ft double, king, and more. Make sure you measure the size and depth of your mattress before buying mattress protectors. Your protector must fit the entire top and sides mattress to give you maximum protection.  

Choose Commercial Linen UK Mattress Protector Range

If you are looking for the best-in-class, high-quality mattress protector at the most affordable rates, you can consider the mattress protectors range from Commercial Linen UK. The exclusive range incorporates all the superior features and ensures all the comfort and convenience to help you get a good night’s sleep.